Senior Front-end Engineer en Datawheel

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

In Datawheel, we build world-class data platforms that expand data into thousands of automated reports for every city, industry, or product using our content management system. During the last ten years, we have helped a wide variety of clients that trust their data distribution on us to accomplish their goals.
Currently, we have interesting active clients and internal core projects as well. The challenge is to keep the team updated, apply modern and good development standards, and innovate using the latest industry trends.
We have an office in Concepción (Chile) to use if you want.

Job functions

Datawheel is looking for a motivated and experienced Senior Frontend Engineer to join our growing remote-first team of professionals who are passionate about helping businesses and governments gain insights from their data. Your job will be to provide best practices to the team, guide junior employees, and apply your knowledge on client's frontend projects and internal tools.

We will love (required)

  • +3 years of experience in frontend development.
  • Deep knowledge in frontend modern best practices in javascript, typescript & CSS.
  • Proficiency focused in latest ReactJS and NextJS features.
  • Experience in NodeJs development for server side logic and api custom consumption.
  • Ensure code quality and performance. Every Kb counts.
  • Experience managing small group of professional through mentoring and guidance.
  • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a remote team.
  • Intermediate English skills.

We will appreciate (optional)

  • Living around Concepción Area (Chile)
  • Experience with Mantine component library.
  • Project management capabilities on defining, assigning, and prioritizing tasks.
  • Basic Figma usage as source of assets to implement.
  • Basic notions of full stack: deployments (GCP), databases (Clickhouse & Postgres).
  • Experience working with Linux server environments.
  • Docker local environments.
  • Understanding of ReactJS / NodeJS Testing frameworks.
  • Basic Portuguese

Some of our benefits

  • Vacation policy: Accumulated every month, starting at 10 hours per month for a full-time employee during their first year with Datawheel (3 weeks per year). Accrual rate increases by 2 days after each 12 month completion.
  • Sick/Personal time: Emergency resource for employees, to be taken as needed, and with full discretion as to what defines "personal". Sick days and bereavement or any sensitive personal/private life matters that may arise.
  • Extended paid paternity leave for parents + US$ 500 giftcard
  • Professional Development Reimbursements: Up to $2,000 USD per year for courses, training, events, books, etc. related with your skills and position.
  • Office Visit Reimbursements: Up to $2,000 USD per year for remote employees to visit the nearest office.
  • HR management using tool.

Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Espacios para charlas internas Datawheel entrega espacio para realizar presentaciones o charlas en horarios de trabajo.
Ausencia por enfermedad pagada Se ofrece cobertura por días no trabajados a causa de enfermedad (pueden aplicar límites).
Cobertura de salud Datawheel paga o copaga cobertura de salud adicional a lo legal.
Computadora Datawheel proporciona una computadora para tu trabajo.
Bono de educación Datawheel cubre algunos gastos de educación relacionados con el puesto.
Coaching personal Datawheel ofrece consejería personal para sus empleados.
Gastos de conferencias Datawheel cubre algunos gastos de conferencias o seminarios relacionados con el puesto.
Vestimenta informal Datawheel no exige ningún código de vestimenta.
Vacaciones extra Datawheel otorga vacaciones pagadas adicionales al mínimo legal.
Bebidas y snacks Datawheel ofrece algunas bebidas y snacks de libre disposición en la oficina.
Pre y postnatal adicionales a los legales Datawheel entrega períodos de pre y/o postnatal pagados superiores al mínimo legal.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Chile para postular.

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