Full-Stack Developer (Node.js + React) en Softserve

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SoftServe is a leading technology solutions company that specializes in software development and consultancy services. With offices across the globe and development centers throughout Eastern Europe, we treat our clients' businesses as if they were our own and are passionate about delivering efficient, innovative, and world-class solutions.

Our client is an online travel company that serves consumers and small businesses. It owns numerous well-known vacation rental marketplaces and connects homeowners and property managers with travelers who seek the space, value, and amenities of vacation rental homes and hotels. The sites offer a wide selection of properties around the world with detailed descriptions, photos, lists of amenities, and nearby attractions.


  • Designing, developing, debugging, and modifying components of software applications and tools
  • Projects that directly impact customers and support the strategic initiatives of brands or business units
  • Supporting the development of documentation and procedures for installation and maintenance
  • Developing the environment where the definition of 'done' includes unit testing, code review, and integration testing


  • A Software Engineer with at least 2 years of experience with Node.js, GraphQL, or Java
  • Showing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, or a related field
  • Proficient in JavaScript (ES6), React, and Redux
  • Knowledgeable of Webpack, Webdriver.io, HAPI.js, Git, and RESTful services
  • Having practice with CSS, Less, and BEM
  • Experienced in SQL, and NoSQL databases
  • Working with CI/CD pipelines
  • Demonstrating Upper-Intermediate level of English proficiency


Mascotas permitidas Las mascotas son bienvenidas en la oficina.
Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Cobertura de salud Softserve paga o copaga cobertura de salud adicional a lo legal.
Computadora Softserve proporciona una computadora para tu trabajo.
Vestimenta informal Softserve no exige ningún código de vestimenta.
Vacaciones extra Softserve otorga vacaciones pagadas adicionales al mínimo legal.
Bebidas y snacks Softserve ofrece algunas bebidas y snacks de libre disposición en la oficina.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Chile para postular.

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