IT Project Manager en Softserve

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

SoftServe is a IT & global digital solutions company with headquarters in Austin, Texas, founded in 1993 in Ukraine. Our associates are currently working on 2,000+ projects with clients in the USA, Europe, and APAC region. We are about people who create bold things, who make a difference, who have fun, and who love their work. In January 2022, we started our operations in Latin America. We committed to grow our local community to 3,500 associates by 2025 and invest in the market.

You will be working for one of our projects, a leading smart home technology provider that offers home security, energy management, home automation, local cloud storage, and high-speed Internet solutions to more than two million customers throughout the United States. The result is a smart home solution that saves you time and money and simplifies your life.

Funciones del cargo

  • Collaborate with enthusiastic colleagues who are eager to help and support
  • Contribute to the technologically diverse and profound IT ecosystem to help achieve business goals and drive results
  • Operate as the Lead Project Manager for the site as a future opportunity, overseeing priority and ensuring the projects are tracked and progress is monitored
  • Implement outstanding processes, build new ones, and develop an environment of continuous improvement
  • Participate in the selection process for new hires, mentor, coach, and build effective world-class software engineering teams
  • Help define, measure, and socialize success metrics to internal and external teams to report on the project delivery

Requerimientos del cargo

  • Showing at least 4 years of experience in managing pipeline work as well as cross-functional scope and dependencies
  • Backgrund of at less 3 years as Software Developer (FullStack or BackEnd)
  • Possessing either a degree or hands-on experience in software engineering (ideally – in commercial projects)
  • Great at developing relations with external customers and being the main communication anchor for the team
  • Successful in multiple stakeholders’ management, building & managing expectations
  • Skilled in supervising resource allocation to ensure the attainment of business and team development goals
  • Good at guiding, coaching, and mentoring development teams
  • Used to providing leadership, guidance, and oversight into the implementation of product features
  • Always involved in planning, execution, monitoring, and controlling phases
  • An expert in Agile methodologies
  • A skillful communicator, open-minded, easygoing, and able to translate business vision to the development team
  • A hard-working person who is not afraid of activities diversity and able to switch attention easily when needed
  • Capable of conducting business communication at B2+ English level



  • Gain certifications from leading providers (Google, AWS & others)
  • Empower you to scale your expertise with others by joining the Mentoring Program
  • Excel business of our clients from startups and ISVs to Enterprise and Fortune 500 companies
  • Create an exceptional customer experience and impact the company's global success and be recognized by the Customer Hero Program
  • Care for your wellness with a health insurance packageSoftServe es una empresa que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Nuestras ofertas laborales están abiertas a todos quienes, dentro del marco de la Ley de Inclusión, quieran formar parte de esta gran Empresa, aportando con sus distintas capacidades y fortalezas, tanto humanas como profesionales. Pongamos tu talento y experiencia en movimiento con SoftServe.


Mascotas permitidas Las mascotas son bienvenidas en la oficina.
Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Cobertura de salud Softserve paga o copaga cobertura de salud adicional a lo legal.
Computadora Softserve proporciona una computadora para tu trabajo.
Vestimenta informal Softserve no exige ningún código de vestimenta.
Vacaciones extra Softserve otorga vacaciones pagadas adicionales al mínimo legal.
Bebidas y snacks Softserve ofrece algunas bebidas y snacks de libre disposición en la oficina.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Chile para postular.

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