Computer Vision Consultant en KTI Hunter

Empleo finalizado - No se reciben más postulantes

Somos una Empresa de Tecnología innovadora, con experiencia en rubros como tecnología, retail, banca u otros.
Somos una Fabrica de software, con enfásis en la transformación digital y las metodologías ágiles.
Trabajamos en tecnologias como Desarrollo de Software, QA, Testing, Architect, Scrum y Desarrollo Mobile

Acompañamos a las empresas en su camino de Transformación digital. Trabajamos en el mercado latam.

Sobre el equipo Área o departamento

Sobre el equipo Área o departamento

Center of Excellence Data Science

Funciones del cargo


  • Develop tailored computer vision strategies and roadmaps that align with clients' goals
  • Transforming the way thousands of global organizations do business by developing the most innovative technologies and processes in Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science, and Experience Design
  • Cooperate with clients to understand their business needs and provide recommendations on how to best leverage data to improve business outcomes
  • Communicate with the world-leading companies from our logos portfolio and contribute to winning new ones


  • Leverage state-of-the-art Computer Vision techniques, Deep Learning algorithms, and image analysis
  • Lead and participate in AI workshops, discoveries, and initial engagements with clients
  • Design project scope, and roadmap, estimate analytical and deployment efforts
  • Lead a team of researchers to effectively demonstrate the power of AI to clients (till successful project resolution)
  • Transform business challenges to AI application
  • Work with clients by leading and participating in AI workshops, discoveries, and initial engagements
  • Present results directly to stakeholders and gather business requirements
  • Compile and interpret analysis results as well as contribute to the proposals and architecture vision delivered to the customer
  • Use cutting-edge technology and tools to develop and implement data-driven solutions

Requerimientos del cargo


  • Experienced in developing and implementing data-driven solutions, statistical modeling, and Machine Learning best practices and operationalization processes
  • Hands-on with Data Science techniques application; technical and logical areas of the practice
  • Knowledgeable of SoTA in Machine Learning, Deep Learning to solve complex problems
  • Showing a deep concept of AI projects' software development lifecycle
  • Experienced with AI solutions deployment to main cloud providers: GCP, AWS, or Azure
  • Advanced in Python programming
  • Aware of Big Data solutions and advanced data tools in Cloud Platforms (as an advantage)
  • Experienced with GenAI and Stable Diffusion models (nice-to-have knowledge)
  • Capable to build Computer Vision solutions with Nvidia stack (would be a plus)


Advanced conversational English


A holder of a Ph.D. or Master's Degree in Computer Science, or a related field


Localización de las oficinas

Las Condes, Chile

Jornada Laboral

Lunes a Viernes de 9.00 a 18.00

Modalidad teletrabajo



  • Seguro Complementario
  • Horarios Flexibles
  • Seguro Dental
  • Snacks y Comida gratis
  • Vestimenta Informal
  • Mascotas Permitidas
  • Estacionamiento de Bicicletas
  • Vacaciones extras

Horario flexible Entrada y salida flexibles, libertad para realizar trámites personales o familiares.
Cobertura de salud KTI Hunter paga o copaga cobertura de salud adicional a lo legal.
Computadora KTI Hunter proporciona una computadora para tu trabajo.

Política de trabajo remoto

Remoto sólo localmente

El trabajo es 100% remoto, pero los candidatos deben residir en Chile para postular.

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