User Engagement Product Manager en Architonic ArchDaily

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ArchDaily works to improve the life of billions of people who will live in cities, by providing inspiration, knowledge, and tools to the architects who will have the challenge to design for them. With more than 170.000.000 monthly pageviews, we’re constantly evolving to improve our users' experience.

PMs at ArchDaily are core participants in all strategic decisions made in our platforms. They make sure we have a coherent product, aligned to the company strategy, and have the ability to own the product with conviction.

PMs at ArchDaily participate in every step of the product lifecycle, from research to final launch and marketing strategies. Since our products get used by millions of users around the world, we need people that thrive on dynamic environments and can make decisions on the spot. You’ll work side by side with an agile development team, that has proudly built a 100% in-house platform, that delivers information and resources around the world, 24/7.

Job Requirement

Main Responsibilities:

  • Strategize and Plan: 
Use information/data to develop an informed and factual strategy to achieve the goals set for the team. They must be presented with compelling arguments of how projects tie back to what we are trying to achieve as an organization. Analyze good and bad approaches in order to learn and apply in future interventions, and plan how these strategies will be implemented and measured.

  • Research & Mockups: 
Has to do as much research as necessary in order to have clarity on who the final user is (his needs, wants, pain-points, etc.)
, what are competitors and the industry is up to, and how we can take advantage of opportunities in order to increase our user database and their engagement. Needs to apply UX research and mockup methodology in order to construct coherent, appealing products.

  • Leadership: Involve your team on the research and decision-making process, together with lead developer, keep them motivated. 
Ability to move your peers towards a common vision. Actively listen to the different teams and areas in order to reach a common goal. Must have clarity on execution times, and effectively coordinate simultaneous tracks in order to achieve the best results in the shortest time frames possible.

  • Results Analysis: Clarity on what data will be analyzed, and how it will connect to the organization's goals. Track what needs to be tracked in order to get all data needed to properly analyze and make further decisions.

  • Communication: Supervisory position and communication must be effective down the line in order to ensure the proper execution of the roles/functions. They will also be required to regularly make presentations and newsletters.
 Daily standup meetings, monthly update to the whole and giving clarity on the roadmap. 
Open feedback channels and official feedback instances.

  • Vision and Integrity:
 Attend short-term needs and make fast decisions keeping in mind the vision, future-oriented. Also must be calm under pressure in order to effectively lead the team in times of uncertainty.

Minimum Requirements:

  • 2-3 years of experience in Product Management, has to have previously worked on e-commerce or digital marketing products. Focused on user activation and engagement (e.g. Pinterest, Instagram, Medium)
  • Experience organizing leading teams
  • UX knowledge is a must.
  • Experience with Management tools (Pivotal Tracker, Trello, Sketch, Invision, etc)
  • High English level.


At ArchDaily we care about your well-being and providing a culture that fosters happiness, innovation, and integration. We give you flexibility to work remotely, abroad, independently. We appreciate you take time to rest when you need -given that you are responsible for your own goals. You would be joining a multicultural, international team full of proactive young people, with constant new challenges, and a horizontal structure where your voice will be heard.

We invite you to review our #archdailyhq#humansofarchdaily tags on Instagram so you can learn a little more about our workplace (how we work and we have fun!).

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