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  2. CareLinx
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https://getonbrd-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/users/logo/5637/carelinx.png CareLinx

Trabaja en CareLinx

CareLinx is a nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, empowering families to easily find, hire, manage and pay licensed caregivers online. Our platform has more than 200,000 caregivers across the country.

Sobre nosotros

CareLinx is a nationwide professional caregiver marketplace, empowering families to easily find, hire, manage and pay licensed caregivers online. Our platform has more than 200,000 caregivers across the country. Hiring caregivers through CareLinx can save families as much as 50 percent than if they hired the same caregivers through brick and mortar franchise agencies. The CareLinx platform helps families and caregivers easily manage all the administrative tasks of their caregiving needs, including scheduling, time tracking, care coordination and payroll processing. CareLinx caregivers earn considerably higher wages than working through franchise agencies. Higher earning caregivers are more engaged and offer better quality care. All CareLinx caregivers hired by families are background checked and covered with $4 million in professional liability insurance.

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